Bureau veritas & jerlaure join forces to create a new datacenter certification

Bureau veritas & jerlaure join forces to create a new datacenter certification

Bureau Veritas, the world leader in compliance and certification, is joining forces with datacenter expert JERLAURE to design a unique new certification for datacenter projects. New local datacenters and data protection regulations (GDPR, CSPN [First Level Security Certification], etc.) are creating new performance and data location management requirements.

2020-02-13T11:18:11+02:005 Jun 2019|News|

A local TIER III datacenter installed in Mayotte

Despite the location’s tropical climate, a PUE of below 1.5 will be achieved thanks to an innovative cooling solution. This computer service company renowned across the Indian Ocean sought JERLAURE’s assistance to help it implement its new project. The datacenter is part of JERLAURE’s SynEcTHIK DC range and is being developed in collaboration with architectural firm TAND’M.

2020-02-13T11:19:27+02:005 Jun 2019|News|

With local datacenters, we can be more connected and more efficient

Digital technology already represents 5.5% of France's GDP and the Internet of Things market is set to reach around 40 billion euros by 2020 (according to French market researcher IDC). The digital wheels are turning and there will be no stopping them, given the constant digitisation of job roles and the extra processing required for data coming from connected objects.

2020-02-13T11:19:42+02:005 Jun 2019|News|
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